Burnie Archery Club Burnie Archery Club
Burnie Archery Club - The Home Of Archery On The North West Coast - Come and Enjoy The Great Sport Of Archery

Burnie Bowmen recently officially changed its name to Burnie Archery Club.

Burnie Archery Club (as Burnie Bowmen) was founded in 1958 by three railway workmates who had developed an interest in archery. A public meeting was called to gauge interest and look for volunteers willing to help develop the sport of archery in Burnie. Things were up and running fairly quickly and the first target championship was held in 1959.

This club has influenced the development of archery along the northwest coast of Tasmania. The first club to be established in Tasmania was Hobart followed by Burnie, Launceston, Beaconsfield and Devonport.

In 1972 Burnie Bowmen was given the honour of holding the first national championships to be held outside of a capital city. In 1972 archery was brought back into the Olympic Games and a team was picked to represent Australia.

The founding member of the club along with the help from an electrician, developed a strategy to help control the shooting by the use of two signal lights, much like the lights used on a pedestrian crossing. To the best of the clubs knowledge this way of controlling the shooting is still used today world wide.

Burnie Bowmen was instrumental in the development of Archers Diary (now the official scoring and tournament management software for Archery Australia ). Also the club was the first to use iscored.today, the electronic online scoring software for Archers Diary.

Burnie Archery Club cater for all bow types and all disciplines of archery.

Archery is a sport for all seasons and for all people whatever their age, gender or level of physical ability. It is also a very versatile sport since it can be as simple or as involved as the archer wishes.


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